Go Deep
We have historic stories to tell about our region and Community. We’re fortunate enough to have story tellers that help them live on. Come join us for a trip down memory lane to the days of prohibition.
It was in 24 May the sky was bright and clear a shout went out from the man to man “The Nellie J. Banks is here.”
In the 1930s the Nellie J. Banks was an annual visitor to the northern shore of Prince Edward Island. The fisherman excepted her and they kept a close eye on the horizon for the little Schooner.
The 3 mile barrier was not insurmountable. The schooner deliberately anchored close to fishing boats. Much of the cargo was landed in larger batches for persons who had set themselves up on the bootleg kegs and bottles to customers in larger centers. Most of those buying the kegs and bottles had neither boats nor sea experience but they all knew a few lobster fisherman who were eager to add to their income by landing 50 or 100 kegs under the cover of darkness.
Rum Running Tour Tracadie Harbour
Book a tour: with Captain Nicholas 902-213-4075 or Captain Matthew 902-940-4612